Hi, my name is Casey and I'll be 25 this year. I live in Atlanta, GA where I work as a graphic designer.
I decided to put this site up as a place to display my creative exercises for 2010. I plan to post
something each day for the next 365 days in all sorts of mediums ranging from photography to video to music
to design to printing to yoyoing to drawing. I have no real plans other than to post something every day.
my portfolio site
my flickr
my twitter
my dribbble
Took a rough pass at how I would change the National Yo-yo Contest logo. It could be better, but personally I think the type feels much better. (Original Logo)
The film is getting better, but its not quite solid enough to represent all the vivid colors of fruit.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 PUSH Color Shade Film
Made my first pie ever. Its surprisingly not that difficult and while most of the credit goes to the recipe, this pie beats the pants off any pie from a box I've ever had.
iPhone 3GS with Instagram
I'm not sure what its for, but for whatever reason there is sometimes a giant ball of fire shooting up out of this pipe on 10th street near Georgia Tech. You can't really tell from the photo but this flame is around 10 feet tall.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 PUSH Color Shade Film
There's a lack of light in the room where I work. We put some florescent lights on the floor along the wall and it helps a bit.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 PUSH Color Shade Film
On the way to the dog park with the pups.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 PUSH Color Shade Film
Ever since I saw these jeans from 3sixteen, I've loved the inside jean pocket design.
Polaroid SLR680 with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
Its been a while since I've seen rogue baloons. I'm guessing it has to do with there being less children in the city.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 PUSH Color Shade Film
Testing out the new PUSH film from The Impossible Project. The colors keep getting better and better.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 PUSH Color Shade Film
I think I've found a new favorite subject matter for Polaroid cameras. Aquariums.
Polaroid SLR680 with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
I took a couple shots yesterday with the TZA film and was ready to give up on it. Took a shot of this pattern and it kind of worked.
Polaroid SX-70 with Polaroid Time-Zero Artistic Film (expired)
Testing what I thought was a failed pack of Time-Zero Artistic Film. It still works, but I didn't realize how long the shutter speed was going to be so this one is blurry.
Polaroid SX-70 with Polaroid Time-Zero Artistic Film (expired)
Soon there won't be any leaves to photograph. I love the way TIP's new film handled the colors of the trees in this one.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
So much fashion stuff for me to photograph around the house these days. Erika's work is taking over.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with PX600 Silver Shade UV+ Film
Erika's been working late a lot on her Senior Collection. I think we're both looking forward to her finishing up this school year. She's got a long way to go but so far her work is looking incredible.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with PX600 Silver Shade UV+ Film
The colors in this photo are every reason why I love Polaroid's Time Zero film. I'm sad that this film will soon be extinct, but I'm very glad that The Impossible Project is working on some of their own color beauties.
Polaroid SX-70 Alpha 1 SE with Polaroid Time Zero Film (expired 10/2000)
Put together some storyboards for a video we're working on. The site should launch in a week or two.
The entrance to SCAD Atlanta has large flourescent panels surrounding the doorway. It kind of acts like a ring light of sorts.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70mm 2.8L
We haven't had a super colorful sunset in a while but even the average ones can look pretty nice in black and white.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70mm 2.8L
Getting near the end. Only two months left and I have to say that I'm kind of looking forward to it. No offense creativity.
While working on the branding for this analytics company we came up with a system of icons that work in the same style as the logo mark.
After lunch we stopped by Yoforia to get some frozen yogurt and I noticed this door that had a sewing table stuck right in the middle of it. A little old lady sat there sewing clothes and I guess she kept the door open so she wasn't staring at a wall all day. She walked away for a minute and I snapped this photo.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
Had to stop by Home Depot for some lightbubls and on the way out I noticed the number 42 on one of these propane tank lockers. I was going to photograph it, but lots of the propane tanks were missing and I didn't like it as much. I thought for sure that the bright Home Depot orange would show up well on this film, but I think orange may be one color that this film struggles with. Don't get me wrong though, I still love this film.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
Every day on the way to work I drive by this random blue plastic trashcan that someone painted red. About 50% of the red is now peeling away and it looks awesome.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
Before any site design I like to do some sketching on grid paper. These sketches are for a site design for a Fried Chicken comapny.
This was based on a photograph of an old truck from the 40s with the shop's name hand painted on it.
Trying out the new Silver Shade UV+ film from The Impossible Project
Polaroid SLR680 SE with PX600 Silver Shade UV+ Film
This V happens to stand for The Varsity, but you get the idea. Mmmm Frosted Orange.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
Doesn't Pocket have such lovely feet?
Polaroid SLR680 SE with PX600 Silver Shade Film
Due to the delay in scanning this shot, the word Flamable is a bit hard to read.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
We had a video and photo shoot up in Tennessee today. Here are two of the photos I took worked into what will be a promo for the video we shot.
I ordered something from Photojojo a while back and this was my favorite part of the package I got in the mail. Such a great company with such great products. Check em out.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with PX600 Silver Shade Film
Last year I did a time lapse of the entire parade. This year I decided to take it easy and just snap a Polaroid. Happy Pride!
Polaroid SX-70 Alpha 1 SE with Polaroid Time Zero Film (expired 10/2000)
Giving the Polaroid back modification a test on the 110A/B convert camera I had made. Its working okay, but as you can see there's still a black bar at the top. Grrrrr!
Polaroid 110B Coverted with Custom Moded Polaroid Integral Back with PX600 Silver Shade Film
After letting the Polaroid back modification sit on my desk for a while I decided to dust it off and try to get it working a little better. Making progress yet. Got a bit of a light leak from letting the film sit out too long, but I love this shot.
Polaroid 600SE with Custom Moded Polaroid Integral Back with PX600 Silver Shade Film
I left this half used pack of film sitting on the shelf above my desk for about a month. Needless to say some light got in.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
This is my Impossible Project Pioneer card. It doesn't really do much but it is made out of metal and looks really cool.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
This record player was given to me by my parents last year for my birthday. Erika and I use it just about everytime we cook or clean the house.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with PX600 Silver Shade Film
It's crazy how a black and white photo can make a city look 50 years in the past.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with PX600 Silver Shade Film
Saw this Impala outside of Wal-Mart and decided to see how the green would turn out on the new TIP film.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
This shot turned out a lot cooler in my head with much more vivid colors.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
I'm not entirely sure what this style of graph is called, but I'm almost certain I'm using it wrong. I know they use it on the wii though and it looks awesome.
I noticed this wall mural on the way home from my very first day at the new job. I've been meaning to take a photo of it ever since and today was the first time there wasn't a car parked in front of it.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
Tiny Bistro is right behind where I work, so a lot of us end up eating lunch there frequently. They just put these metal letters up out front so I had to snap a photo. If you're ever on the West Side and in need of a great sandwhich for a good price. Make sure you stop by TINY Bistro.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
We walked to YEAH! Burger for lunch today. I got the turker burger and some Fries/Rings. The onion rings were definitely the highlight, but overall I was a little disappointed. Especially for $14. The branding by Tad Carpenter however is really awesome and well worth a trip if you're near by.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
Today we took a stroll through the Midtown Art Walk. To be honest there wasn't much art I found interesting, though there were some great restaurants present and this crazy awesome parrot man.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
On my way home I spotted this warehouse and decided to give a long exposure a shot. I steadied myself on a fence post and it still came out a touch blurry but I still like it.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
Adam received this great looking bottle of scotch as a gift from a client. Sadly this photograph lost a lot of detail and gained some strange discoloration at the top due to my procrastination in scanning it in.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
Snapped this shot at West Egg. I love the little kinck knacks they have lying around.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
This is Buck, and he sits above my desk every day. He is a buck.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
This delicious cupcake had a chocolate chip pancake cupcake with maple syrup icing and bacon on top. Forgive the discolored texture at the top of the shot. I waited too long to scan this photo in and apparently the elements got to it.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
There are several wooden chairs up at Portfolio Center made by students over the years. This is one of my favorites so I thought I'd snap a shot of it. This shot got a little yellow as well due to waiting a week to scan it in.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
This shot was a little less yellow when I first took it, but waiting a week to scan this one in really affected the colors.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
This bug was dancing on my window for a while so I decided I'd see how well it photographed on the new TIP film. I think the film needs to get a little better in the detail department before it can handle stuff like this, but its still quite nice.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
On the way to lunch I spotted this brick wall with a series of pipes coming out of it. I love how they are arranged asymmetrically but still feel balanced.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
Big headline image for the "Our Beliefs" page of a Dog Bed company. Design should wrap on this site next week. Looking forward to it going live so everyone can see the whole thing.
Doing a few revisions on the site for the post-production company. Feedback can be frustrating, but I think this turned out looking pretty good.
Here's a glimpse of the Polaroid case prototype I made today. The final fabric will be a nice medium/dark gray instead of this cheap black fabric I picked up at Hancock Fabrics. More to come soon!
There aren't many options out there for Polaroid camera cases so I'm going to try and make my own.
Today Erika and I have been together for 3 years! Pretty crazy, but of course awesome.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
Another project at work. Came up with a few ribbons that can be displayed on projects. The smaller state is what you'd see initially and that would animate to the expanded state on mouseover.
Working on the second design direction for the post-production company. I'm enjoying this one a little more so fingers crossed they pick it.
Here's how that hero image turned out. Have you ever seen a cuter free shipping promotion?
I wanted to do another Triptych for this one, but Sadly I only had 1 shot left in the camera and no extra film with me. What an amazing car this was though. Seafoam green with wood paneling. Sadly they had covered the back windows in stickers. Lame.
Polaroid SLR680 with Polaroid 600 Film (expired 08/08)
Erika and I went to the park again today. Its been so nice out lately and we've been trying to take advantage of it. From our seats in the grass we could see the condo buildings peaking up over the tops of the trees.
Polaroid SLR680 with Polaroid 600 Film (expired 08/08)
Erika and I walked to the park to try and grab some lunch at Quattro. It was a little late so the kitchen closed and we had to eat at the Willy's next door (which is what I wanted anyway :D ). Outside of Quattro they have this little pepper plant. The peppers were much more colorful than they appear.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
Did a quick shoot for a client at work and Pocket got to work his modeling skills. One of these shots will be used for a hero image on the homepage.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70mm 2.8L
Been churning on the first of two directions for a post production company. This direction is super minimal and simple.
I spent two shots trying to get this to come out in the low light of the parking garage. The first shot was 100% blurry. I didn't have a tripod in the car, so instead I grabbed a light stand and a light out of the back of my car. I set that up and then put the SX-70 on top of the light. It wasn't all that sturdy, but the shot turned out alright.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
Bare with me on this one. So what you are looking at is a visual representation of the 3 main categories + and other category as CMYK. I took the percentage of Analog Photos for each month as the Cyan value, Digital Photos as the Magenta value, Design Exercises as the Yellow value, and Other (writing, doodles, etc) as the Black value. Note that the last 3rd of the image is white because no data has been recorded for the last four months. Kind of strange looking yes, but I think its pretty interesting.
Erika has this really old Schwinn that occupies some space on the balcony currently. Both the tires are flat so if she puts it in the condo bike storage they'll donate it.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
I pass by this old school Terminal Box on the way to lunch at the new job pretty frequently. I absolutely love it and wish we still put them up looking like this. Way better than the modern ones.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
Got around to editing those photos of my nephew Noah. Abby stuck the rattle into the frame of this shot, but I absolutely love the little added color. Seconds after this photo was taken, Noah peed all over the backdrop.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70mm 2.8L
So I'm sure everyone thought I had given up on this project, but that definitely isn't the case. I got a little busy this past month with travel, wrapping things up at my old job, starting a new job, and as you can see I had quite a stack of Polaroids to scan in. Did I mention that scanning is the worst thing about shooting Polaroids? Anyway, I'll try not to let myself get so behind on posting, but know that I am still out there creating things even if they aren't posted to the site on the same day.
I did a Flash site for my buddy Kyle a couple years ago and we've been talking about turning it into an HTML site for better load times and ipad/iphone compatibility. I'm finally getting around to it and I'm really excited about it. Here's the site done in HTML/CSS. Next up I'll be animating in jQuery.
So here's a peek at the navigation for the second site design I'm cranking on at work.
Caribou Lodge is a yoyo company and this is the mascot for one of their yoyos. Well kind of. I turned it into a robot. A bit silly, and poorly drawn... I know.
Tried to narrow down the black bar problem by shooting with the same back on a different camera. Still got the black bar which means I'm not sure what is causing the issue but I would think its something on the back. I'm going to have to consult some folks on the internet.
Polaroid 110B Coverted with Custom Moded Polaroid Integral Back with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
Did some more testing on the Polaroid mod today and realized that there is a black bar appearing at the top of the film where something is keeping the film from getting exposed.
Polaroid 600SE with Custom Moded Polaroid Integral Back with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
I'm in the process of a Polaroid camera mod and I've really enjoyed it so far. Spent all day filing and cuting down an integral back with a Dremel. This is the focus test and it looks like I got it worked out. And if you are wondering why do this... it allows me to shoot full manual contorls onto Integral Films.
Polaroid 600SE with Custom Moded Polaroid Integral Back with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
This is the first real project I'm working on at the new job. This is a glimpse of the first of 3 directions I have to have done in a week.
Today was my first day at the new job. Got started slapping together some quick infographics. Here's a little snippet.
Walking back home after some dinner. The strange line across the top is my failure to shield the film from light all the way.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
I really like the look of old cars photographed in this fashion.
Polaroid SLR680 with Polaroid 600 Film (expired 08/08)
This beauty can be found hanging from a tree in Little 5 Points.
Polaroid SLR680 with Polaroid 600 Film (expired 08/08)
Perhaps a little too much backlit. I even had the exposure compensation dialed almost all the way to lighten.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
Erika and I went by this awesome leather shop today. Just rows and rows of leather in every color you could want.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
We found this little Ramen Noodle restaurant and it was fantastic! Lighting was really dark here so I set the camera on top of a napkin dispencer and took a long exposure.
Polaroid SLR680 with Polaroid 600 Film (expired 08/08)
Met up with some friends in Williamsburg today for a free Cut Copy show. Erika and I got a tour of the Brooklyn Brewery before hand. Such an awesome logo from Milton Glaser.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
First day in New York and we stopped into a bar to rest from all the walking. Beer is expensive here.
Polaroid SLR680 with Polaroid 600 Film (expired 08/08)
Trying some different subjects to see what works best with this film.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
More of the new color film from The Impossible Project and some delicious frozen yogurt.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
The Impossible Project has released yet another wonder. This time its a color film. The colors are a bit heavy in the blue arena, but I love it all the same. This is my first shot.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX70 Color Shade Film
Nice little piece of hand painted type randomly in the middle of this large black wall. I also realized that Eighth is a very weird word. No word should have hth in it.
Yeah I know, I won't take anymore photos of this car.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
Month seven comes to a close and I should have probably done a new infographic for the next three months but it didn't occur to me until now that it was time for a change. I'll try to work out something new next month.
Today we did a shoot for a site I've been cranking on at work. We shot the footage on a 5D and then I took some stills as well on my 5D and everything was just looking incredible. Huge props to the whole team on the shoot today.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70mm 2.8L
My neighbor Missy got a new car and its pretty amazing. She got it on craigslist for super cheap and I'm a bit jealous.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
There's old buildings all over downtown Atlanta that are just boarded up and unused. Such great locations too. I wish they'd do something nice with the building.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
Erika and I were out walking around when I saw this huge dead bug. Sadly the crazy colors on it didn't quite translate to the film.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
Tried throwing a couple color gels in front of the Holgaroid lens and while you can start to see the pink and yellow I used, apparently my holga was leaking too much light and the shot was overtaken with white. I still quite like how it looks.
Holgaroid with Polaroid Viva Film (07/2008)
I create far more failaroids than I show. I actually have a stack for such failed photos on my bookshelf. I don't want to talk about how much wasted money it equates too... Anyway, I normally don't post em, but every now and then I'll get one that I actually quite like. This is one of them.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with PX600 Silver Shade Film
So I managed to get in some shots today even though the circumstances were less than ideal. Luckily I had my Canon Speedlite in my camera bag and was able to fashion that to a light stand. I then had my mom hold the umbrella in front of that so it could put some soft light on Noah. Due to slow recycle times and the difficulty of moving a person and a light to make adjustments, we didn't get too far along before Noah had, had enough. I think we got some good ones though.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70mm 2.8L
Earlier this year I became an uncle. This weekend I'm up in Rome to shoot some photos of the little guy since my sister hasn't had a chance to have any baby photos taken. I realized as soon as I got here though that even though I brought all my light stands and softboxes and such, I forgot to bring my lights! Should be interesting.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
So after all my skepticism the iPad has finally won me over. I won't get too much into it here, but I', interested in the prospect of drawing on this thing with a proper stylus. I drew this with my finger earlier tonight to test out an app. I hope I can find some time to make a more serious stab at drawing on the iPad once I get a stylus. Sorry this creative thing is kind of weak, but let's be honest, I'm too busy playing with my new toy.
Erika just came back from Nashville with this awesome wooden cow head. It looks great on the wall next to our door.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
This bracelet has been out of stock in my size for a long time. The other day I checked Selfedge and they had it in stock. Its raw leather so it should look quite different by the end of the year. I'll take another snap towards the end of the year to compare progress.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70mm 2.8L
Here are my two Kodak Duaflex cameras. They are currently used as decoration but I also use them from time to time for TTV Photography. I have no idea if they are still capable of shooting film.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with PX600 Silver Shade Film
Another little snippet from that site I've been working on at IQ. The design phase is getting close to an end.
Picked up a few things from the tailor today and snapped this one while I was waiting.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
On a trip to Rome I stopped by the mall to pick something up and snapped this one of the carousel.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
Erika got me this giant wooden #3 (my favorite number) a while back for my birthday. We finally got around to hanging it up on the wall.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2003)
Getting ready to do a shoot for the site I posted yesterday. I did some test video of JTrav just to test depth of field. Here's a still pulled straight from the video.
Canon 5D Mark II + 50mm 1.4
It's always fun to see what the crazy road systems we drive on everyday look like from above. It's nice to be back home, but I definitely wouldn't have minded another couple of days by the beach (sunburn or not).
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
On our last day at the resort we learned about this secluded part of the beach with chairs that were way more comfy and way less noise. Erika and I both took naps underneath the shade of a palmtree listening to the ocean waves. It was unbelievably relaxing.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
The sail boat was kind of far away and there were people in the way so I could barely get any ocean in the shot. I wish the boat were bigger but I really enjoy the composition on this one.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
Erika's anchor tattoo felt right at home by the ocean.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
Let's be honest... What vacation would be complete without a photo of you and your friends mid air by the ocean.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
I know many people hate airports, but I love them. I enjoy just about every part of flying except for that whole uncomfortable cramped seat part. But the views and the sounds and the whole experience of it is such a good time.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
This vacation has been a long time coming. I'm going to do nothing but sit on my butt by the ocean/pool and eat and drink and sleep. As for my creative endeavors, expect a lot of Polaroids.
Each year on the 4th of July a giant road race is held in Atlanta called The Peachtree Roadrace. At some point in this deal someone lost really bad at Trash Jenga.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
As per usual, here's the gang shot. Thanks to everyone that came out this year. It was a blast as always.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
Here's a little snippet of a site design I've been cranking on at work. So far so good. I may share more of this later.
I had an SX-70 laying around with some film in it and its been a while since I used it so I wasn't sure if the film in it would still work. Turns out it does. Thanks for posing for me puppies.
Polaroid SX-70 Alpha 1 SE with Polaroid Time Zero Film (expired 10/2000)
Its been a good month for The Creative World of Casey Britt. This month was fairly balanced between the three main mediums I've been working with. I have a feeling next month will lean heavily towards the analog photography side of things due to a week of vacation I have planned in Mexico. I can't wait
Well tomorrow is the last day of the sixth month which means I've made it to the halfway mark on this creative adventure. There are days when its been tough to get anything done and lately my biggest set back has been that I really hate scanning in Polaroids. It's no fun, but it must be done. More good stuff coming your way next month.
About a year ago my friend Kyle and I went to Sweden and Denmark and while we were there I shot a decent amount of footage to edit into a trip video. I told myself that I wouldn't let a year pass before I finished putting the footage together, but of course here we are nearly a year later and I've edited maybe 20% of it. So tonight I spent my creative time editing and cataloging footage from the trip. I doubt I'll have it finished up before the 1 year mark, but I'm hoping I can wrap it up before Summer is over.
Today I went over and shot some video of my buddy Mark throwing. He has a couple joke teaser videos that he wants to put together to promote his new yoyo that should come out very soon. I snapped this shot of him once we wrapped up the video. I love the Holgaroid look, but it sure is impossible to frame your shots.
Holgaroid with Polaroid Viva Film (07/2008)
Paulo's Gelatto in the Highlands is incredible for many reasons, but Lukas and Pocket love it because they sell pet gelatto. A couple times each summer we take them over and let them cool off with some kind of soy based ice cold treat. They love it.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
For the next 10 weeks I will be teaching a class on XHTML/CSS at Portfolio Center here in Atlanta. Tonight I worked up a simple syllabus design. It's nothing fancy, but at least its not the default ugly syllabus that I had for most of my classes when I was in college.
When he's not chasing Pocket around or sleeping, Lukas can often be found staring out the window watching cars on the interstate.
Holgaroid with Polaroid Viva Film (07/2008)
So after recreating the iOS4 Calculator icon yesterday I decided today I would try to bring the non-gloss style of the new Calculator icon over to the SMS icon. It definitely doesn't work quite as well, but whoever is out there creating icons for the iPhone OS, I personally would really like to see some more work to get away from the glossy look. Its definitely time for something new.
Once again apple changed the Calculator icon in iOS4 and this time I'm a big fan of the new look. It would appear they may be getting away from the glossy look which I would be down for. Tonight I tried to recreate the new calculator icon. After 30 minutes or so I ended up here and its not quite there. There are definitely some details that would require more time to work out, but this will do for today.
Today on the way home I saw an incredibly faint rainbow over the Atlanta skyline. I took my sunglasses off and it disappeared completely. Apparently some rainbows can only be seen through tinted glass. Or maybe I'm just crazy. Either way I think it makes for a nice illustration.
I really like the backlit collection of alcohol at the Highland Ballroom. It took a bit of patience to snap a photo without the bar tenders in it. I probably could have asked them to step out of the way for a second so I could get the shot but I didn't think it was worth slowing the delivery of beverages to thirsty Atlantans.
Canon 5D Mark II + 70-200 2.8L
Mark came over today to chill. We talked photography, design, food, and yoyos. His new signature yoyo will be coming out sometime soon and its shapping up to be pretty fantastic and will probably be one of the few yoyo purchases I will make this year.
Canon 5D Mark II + 70-200 2.8L
There's a big parking garage in Buckhead where each floor has an icon painted near the elevators. When you get on the elevator there is a legend telling you which icon goes with which floor. This is a pretty clever system as icons can sometimes be easier to remember than numbers.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
Went to see Mike's band, Supervisor of the Loveless Average, tonight at the Highland Ballroom. He asked me if I'd take some pictures so I brought my camera along not knowing what to expect from the light in the venue. After 5 shots I was really unhappy with how the shots were coming out and gave up. After getting them on the computer I managed to get a decent looking treatment on this photo and now I wish I had shot a few more. Mike's the crazy guitarist on the left playing with his pedal board.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8L
Ran into my buddy Jess while out around town. Note the super awesome Bronica Camera with Polaroid Back around his neck.
Polaroid SX-70 with Polaroid 779 Film and Pack Filter (expired 11/2008)
At first the drone of these plastic horns was really getting on my nerves, but I think I may be immune to their tune now. Or maybe the games are just getting more interesting. Either way here's my quick homage to the South African noise maker we all love so much.
Erika decided she wanted a 35mm film camera. She did a little research and decided on this Olympus Trip 35. Its a pretty sweet looking little camera. I can't wait till she gets her first roll of film back.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
I have these really awesome monks but I don't really have much to wear them with. Not that I mind too much since my daily sneakers are pretty comfortable, but I do love these shoes as well.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
Day 2 of shooting headshots and we're all wrapped up. I'm exhausted. Mason is a big fan of props. I think he started his session by putting his shoes on his ears and then grabbing this long board and balancing on it on his head. We took some standard smiling shots too.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8L
Today was day 1 of shooting headshots for everyone at the agency I work for. T'was a long, but fun day. Andrew was the most animated of anyone I shot.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8L
Over Christmas Erika and I went to Mississippi to visit some of her family. I shot this at a park we stopped in. I didn't get around to treating the photo till just now.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8L
Well I started out trying to do this cool illustration of an old arrow, but I zoomed in to mess with it and decided the end of it looked more like a piece of wheat. At that point I kind of gave up on my pitiful arrow illustration and put some quick type on it.
Our pool tends to be super crowded, but its pretty nice and empty if you head to the pool around sunset.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
This summer I'll be teaching a class on XHTML/CSS at Portfolio Center so I met up with my pal Mason and he told me about his experiences teaching the same class over at Creative Circus. It was great getting to hang with Mason and I'm pretty excited about the class.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
Erika and I cooked a little meal and enjoyed it out on the balcony. It was awesome.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8L
Old Vespas are a perfect subject matter for shooting polaroids. It takes restraint not to shoot everyone I see.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
Just an owl, you know how it is.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
Looking pretty close to the same as last month. Snuck in a few digital photos on account of it being Moustache May and all. It has been a very busy month but I have enjoyed it.
Hanging at the pool with some friends.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
So I tried to take a photo only to have the battery in the film pack die after snapping the shot leaving it with no juice to eject the photo. I tried transferring the film over to an old cartridge that still had some battery left in it, but was unable to save the photo. Instead I create a beautiful Polaroid Rothko, haha.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
Back in February I posted a couple polaroids of some dudes with beards from a Whiskerino party in Nashville. I finally got around to putting up all of the photos. You can check them out here.
I'm not much of a golfer, but Erika used to take lessons when she was younger. I don't know if Golfs is a verb, but I'm using it anyway.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
Not sure why they had this set up, but I dug the look. Sadly this photo was taken in doors and my hands couldn't hold the camera quite steady enough. And in my hurry to get the pic and move on I failed to align things properly, oh well, still a fun shot.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
The company I work for has been going through a rebrand and our new logo has this offset color transparency thing going. During my time messing with the new brand I did a few things that reminded me of when I used to screenprint and things would be slightly mis-registered or if I hadn't set the trapping up properly. I think like many other flaws from the printing world that have become so loved in the graphic design world, misregistration/trapping are on the rise.
The biggest downside for me with the new Impossible Project film is that it is a little too temperature sensitive. I'm afraid that once I finish off the pack that's in the camera I may retire from PX films until it cools off this fall.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with PX600 Silver Shade Film
It's been a long time since I've been on a vacation where I wasn't running around exploring a new city. Don't get me wrong, I love doing that, but when I get back I just don't feel rested. Erika and I are going to Mexico in July to do absolutely nothing other than sit on a beach and I can not wait.
This time I tried putting the softbox behind me and the results were kinda wonky. After I pressed the button the mechanical self timer and got in place I bumped the softbox so the black ended up in the shot. Its also near impossible to frame, but the results are interesting. I think with a bit more play I could get some really fun results.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with PX600 Silver Shade Film
Tonight I tried the same setup as yesterday, but this time Lukas decided to model for me. Funny thing about shooting dogs with Polaroids is that they tend to sit still until the shutter fires. All that whirring of motors inside tends to freak them out a bit.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with PX600 Silver Shade Film
I've been wanting to play with studio strobes and polaroid integral film and finally got around to doing it. After a couple failed shots I got one that worked out. I use the on camera flash to optically trigger an off camera softbox. I'm pretty happy with the light. Now I want to try it in color.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with PX600 Silver Shade Film
For the past couple of weeks a few people and I have been working on directions for our companies site. Here's a little snipet of what my direction is looking like.
If only it were so easy. Towards the end of our 16 arrows for $4 I think I was getting the hang of it.
More of the light leaked Polaroid film. Going to be sad when this pack runs out. I've really been enjoying the results. Oh and today was an awesome day at the Renaissance Festival.
Polaroid SLR680 SE with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
Started playing around with lines and concentric circles for pieces of portraits tonight. I like the way this one turned out and plan to play with this some more.
I had the idea for this image some time last year and thought it would make a nice t-shirt rip of the I Heart NY stuff. Sadly I haven't had as much time to be active in Moustache May as I would have liked this year. There's still another half of the month left though!
One day when I'm old I think I'd like to become the cliche of an old man driving around the country in their camper/winnebego with little old lady and gray haired dog.
Polaroid SX-70 with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
There was a huge fence on the front of this junk yard, but if you went down the road a bit there was a clear path to the side of the junk yard with nothing to stop you from walking in. I wandered around for a minute and snapped this shot from the top of a dirt pile.
Polaroid SX-70 with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
My buddy Mason landed a sweet new gig at Iconologic not too long ago and tonight they threw a rooftop party at their space. The food for the party was a huge long table covered in crawfish. People would just stand around the long table and crawfish. I had never seen anything like it, but have to say it was a really good time. Did I mention that it was my first time eating crawfish? I think I liked it.
Polaroid SX-70 Alpha 1 SE with Polaroid Time Zero Film (expired 10/2000)
When the weather permits, I prefer to ride my vespa. I passed by these satellites behind a big black fence and quickly realized that the Vespa makes a great step ladder for shooting over fences/obstacles. You may say that a car could just as easily do the same and get you higher, but you can take a vespa a lot of places that you can't take a car.
Polaroid SX-70 with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
Haven't shot with this thing in a while so I decided to dust it off and see what happened. Erika just got these new white roses. Again, its nearly impossible to tell what your framing is going to be like on this camera, but I think the light is interesting.
Weird Polaroid Close-up Camera with Polaroid 600 Film (expired 08/08)
So I've been teasing at it for the past week or so and the new caseybritt.com has finally launched. After 3 years of letting my portfolio site waste away on the internets, I've got a brand new site that I'm really happy with. This site is also the reason I'm a week behind on my postings. Don't worry though, I've been creating each day, I just haven't made the time to post. Anyway, go check out my portfolio already. I hope you like it.
And aren't I looking quite angelic. Lighting was a softbox from directly behind me. Always a fun choice.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8
Erika and I took a stroll for lunch and snapped this photo on the way back. This is more of that same light leaked film. Its funny how the leaks are different throughout the entire pack. This one has an interesting fade happening.
Polaroid SX-70 with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
So two months off from Whiskerino and now it's time for similar shenanigans, but this time focused around the Moustache instead of the beard. I'm sure this won't be the last self-portrait I take this month. Also, this photo was taken using a prototype lens from my buddy Solomon. Go check out the lens company he started recently. Its pretty exciting stuff.
Panasonic Lumix GH1 with Noktor 50mm f0.95 Prototype
So here it is... The infographic style I'll probably end up using for the next two months. Who knows though, maybe I'll get a wild hair and switch it up before then.
I wish that I could spend more time in the woods right now, but the trees don't seem to want me this time of year. This photo could also be titled "Looking forward to the end of pollen season".
Polaroid SX-70 with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
This isn't the final design or anything, but I've been playing with a new business card design. I think I'm going to get it letterpressed black ink with black edging. We'll see though.
Roxanne is our resident mannequin and lucky for me she's never too busy to pose while I test out a camera. This time I was testing out some film that I accidentally exposed to light. Though it was unintentional, I quite like the light leaks in this image.
Polaroid SX-70 with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
So after a couple days of tweaking and feedback from friends I think I've got my new personal logo. Or first I guess. I've never felt the need for a personal logo and still don't know that I need one now, but I really enjoyed making this one. Here it is somewhat within the context of the new site design I'm working on.
Today Erika and I went to the Inman Park Festival. At one of the tables there was a woman spinning yarn. I've never tried it, but I would imagine the process is very repetitive in a soothing way.
Polaroid SX-70 with Polaroid 779 Film (expired 11/2008)
I've been working some more on my portfolio site redesign and after typing my name out in just about every font I had on my computer I decided I needed to go to the sketchbook. After a few terrible ideas I drew this and a few more minutes after that I had this. It still needs some tweaking but I think its headed in the right direction.
I wanted to try and do a side-by-side comparison of the new PX100 film to the PX600 film so I took a break at work and walked down to the creek. This PX100 shot turned out nicely, but my PX600 experience didn't go so well. I guess I'll try again some other day.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX100 Silver Shade Film
My portfolio site has not been updated in over 3 years and tonight I decided I would try to do something about it. I started playing around on my sketchbook and then ended up with a rough design. I don't want to show all of it yet, but here's a sneakpeek.
After taking yesterday's shot I hopped in the car and drove home while the photo developed. Since it didn't turn out quite like I wanted I decided to go back again.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX100 Silver Shade Film
I've noticed this tractor on the way home from work recently and finally decided to stop and take a shot of it. The light out wasn't quite what I would have liked but I still enjoy how it turned out.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX100 Silver Shade Film
They're working on this new build right as you get off the interstate on my way home. They have huge number 11s painted on two sides. Once the fence comes down I plan to grab a shot of the other one. I'd love to see more large type on buildings.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX100 Silver Shade Film
At the HIGH Museum there is a wooden chair with a yellow padded backrest in the shape of a hexagon. The hexagon is split so that it almost looks like a cube turned at an angle. For some reason its one of the most memorable things at the HIGH for me and I don't normally notice furniture all that much.
Absolutely no meaning or intent behind this. Some days you just have to call it visual exploration and set the big ideas aside.
Feeling a bit exhausted from having to create something every day. Not that anything I'm doing here is all that draining, but some days you just don't feel like creating anything you know? Anyway, chalk up "writing" on the list of categories for the infographic this month. Hah!
I'm not quite sure how I ended up here to be honest. I know I started by playing around with the after effects logo. Oh well.
I was flipping through my sketchbook tonight trying to think of what to create and I found this doodle in the sketchbook. Started messing with it and ended up here.
These particular stairs look like some sort of Data Visulization to me. I think stairs are such a great architectural accent and I think its sad that they are so often tucked inside the building so that you can't see them. Dear architects, Embrace stairs. Love, Casey.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX100 Silver Shade Film
Its sad that whoever started this couch tower stopped at three couches. I think it could have been amazing.
Polaroid SX-70 Model 2 with Polaroid 779 Film and Pack Filter (expired 07/2003)
While venturing around downtown, I happened to look into a large garage door and notice the columns as you see them in this shot. It instantly reminded me of farms where the trees are all planted in rows. I think what I like about them so much is that if you look at them straight on, they look to be in straight rows, but if you take a few steps in either direction they look like they are planted in diagonals. I think these columns caught my eye because I was looking at them diagonally.
Polaroid SX-70 Model 2 with Polaroid 779 Film and Pack Filter (expired 07/2003)
Since I don't get to see Palm Trees all that often I made sure to take a few photos of them. Its funny how looking at these photos of palm trees reminds me of vacations as a kid. Not this past weekends trip to Savannah.
Polaroid SX-70 Alpha 1 SE with Polaroid Time Zero Film (expired 10/2000)
I have these vivid memories of Palm Trees as a child as I'm sure many others do. Everytime I see a palm tree somewhere it instantly puts me in vacation mode.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX100 Silver Shade Film
We're currently in the process of finishing up our new brand at work. This is part of an idea I've been playing with. Also, I'm going out of town for the weekend so I may not post any creative stuff until Monday. I am still creating things each day, I just might not be able to post them on the day that they're made.
Its really sad that Fire Escapes are a thing of the past. Not only are they one of my favorite pieces of architecture, but they also allow you access to all kinds of roofs that you'd never have access to otherwise.
Polaroid SX-70 Model 2 with Polaroid 779 Film and Pack Filter (expired 07/2003)
My dad has worked for Phillip Morris for quite some time. He constantly has various swag and signage for Marlboro and other brands around. While visitng this weekend I found these under the deck.
Polaroid SX-70 Model 2 with Polaroid 779 Film and Pack Filter (expired 07/2003)
About a week ago I became an uncle. This weekend I went up to visit and while he doesn't do much yet he is absolutely adorable. Can't wait to see what he grows in to. Oh, and forgive the blurrieness. Noah hasn't yet learned how to hold still for a photograph.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX100 Silver Shade Film
This is my first successful shot with the new PX100 Silver Shade film from The Impossible Project and I have to say I am in love. This film is a bit tempermental but the results are beautiful.
Polaroid SX-70 with PX100 Silver Shade Film
APRIL RAINBOWS OMG! To be honest I created this mainly because I wanted to see how it would animate once in the site. If you open a close it repeatedly it looks cool... or maybe I'm just fooling you into wasting two minutes clicking back and forth on a rainbow box. One of the two is true and you should probably click a bunch to find out.
So I made my goal of 33% design stuff this month and it feels good. Some nights it took a little longer than the hour I try to keep as my maximum, but I'm happy I did it. For next month I think I'd like to add another category to the recap. I'm not sure what it will be, but perhaps a song or a video or some yoyoing. We'll see. Oh, and I also want to set a goal to design a new recap. I like this one, but I think 3 months was a good run.
Saw the movie Whip It tonight and really enjoyed it. I have to get to the roller derby this season.
Tonight Erika and I spent our time making dinner and playing board games with some friends. It was a great time and while this photo isn't particularly great, its a moment and some great food.
Polaroid 110B Coverted with Fuji FP-3000B Film
The weather is starting to get a little nicer out. I can't wait till its nice enough out to ride this beast everyday. This is my 2003 Tangerine/Black Genuine Stella and I call her Holiday.
Polaroid Spectra Pro with Spectra Image Film (expired unknown)
I really like the shape of these valves. I do wish that the red thing on the right wasn't there and that the shot had a little more contrast.
Polaroid SX-70 Model 2 with Polaroid 779 Film and Pack Filter (expired 07/2003)
I love hand painted signage. I am worried that as the world becomes more immersed in the digital world that we may lose some beautiful things like hand painted signs.
Polaroid 110B Coverted with Polaroid 669 Film (expired 02/2002)
This is another notebook cover I designed for work. It is my favorite of the ones of I've made. Note that the right half is the front cover and the left half is the back cover.
I designed a couple covers for some promotional pocket notebooks here at work. This is one of them. Note that the right half is the front cover and the left half is the back cover.
At the new space I work at there's a steep hill with some interesting landscaping across from our parking lot. I took this before hoping in the care to drive home.
Polaroid SX-70 Model 2 with Polaroid 600 Film and Pack Filter (expired 05/2008)
I am not quite sure how this got so yellow, but it must have been the sunset. I love getting home in time to see the sunset. Hooray spring!
Polaroid SX-70 Model 2 with Polaroid 779 Film and Pack Filter (expired 10/2003)
Erika and I spent a decent amount of time outside this weekend enjoying the first of the nice spring weather.
Polaroid SX-70 Model 2 with Polaroid 600 Film and Pack Filter (expired 05/2008)
Walked to Flying Biscuit today and saw this little dog with goggle sunglasses on. He was totally chill and loving it. I couldn't believe it. I'd like to imagine that when they go home and take the goggles off that he pitches a fit and wants them back on.
Polaroid SX-70 Model 2 with Polaroid 600 Film and Pack Filter (expired 05/2008)
Took a walk and took this at a near by parking garage. This sign is better looking than most parking garage signage.
Polaroid SX-70 Model 2 with Polaroid 600 Film and Pack Filter (expired 05/2008)
On the way home the sunset was hitting the building where I live. The building looked as if it was glowing against the darker clouds so I pulled over to take a picture. The photo didn't quite capture the glow that I was hoping for, but I guess that's how these things go.
Polaroid SX-70 Model 2 with Polaroid 600 Film and Pack Filter (expired 05/2008)
Many have never heard of the third mario brother. He only seems to come around this time of year.
I said roll and there's a picture of a roll film camera! Get it?! But seriously I own this camera so technically it is how I roll.
Daylight Savings Time is such a bitter sweet thing. I love the extra hour of day light, but the hour I lost over the weekend has really messed me up.
There are a ton of iPhone photo apps out there and I have to say that my biggest issue with most of them is that I have to take the photo inside the app. Personally I'd prefer to take my photo in the iPhone camera app and then run it through the filters of the various apps. Anyway I've been playing around with what I can do inside of these apps that keep you locked in. Nothing too exciting here but I really do enjoy the colors.
iPhone 3GS with Hipstamatic
We've had some crazy skies lately with all of this erratic rain. I think I'd settle for some blue skies and a cloud or two right about now.
Polaroid SX-70 Model 2 with Polaroid 600 Film and Pack Filter (expired 05/2008)
This it Tom. He is Fat. He is a Cat. It is fun to watch him climb stairs.
iPhone 3GS with Cross Process
Erika and I have started planning for our roadtrip this summer. We plan to go out to California and back on some sort of path. We're both really looking forward to it.
iPhone 3GS with Cross Process
This camera is just plain fun and completely manual. The only downside to it is that it is quite heavy. It sure is good lookin though!
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8
Today the place I work at moved into a new space and its awesome. Along for the move were many of these IKEA chairs.
Polaroid SX-70 Auto Focus Model 2 SE with Polaroid Time Zero Film(expired 08/1999)
Last month I got to see one of the greatest song writers of our time. Sondre Lerche put on an incredible show and held the entire audiences attention all alone on the stage with a guitar. If you haven't heard his latest record, you're doing yourself a terrible disservice.
Nothing to say here really. I just started playing with shapes and ended up here. Don't hate!
I've always loved this line from the song by mewithoutyou. I know it originally came from Vonnegut, but I prefer mewithoutyou.
Mostly because I wanted to play with stars. This ended up taking a good bit longer than I anticipated. Creating a starfield from nothing is not terribly difficult but it sure is time consuming.
For the past 4 months I've been participating in a beard growing contest called Whiskerino where I have taken a photo every day. Today is the last day of that contest and it has been an amazing experience. This is the last of a collection of 5 images, each taken roughly one month apart.
See all 5 photos of this series animating here.
And this is every photo I've taken for Whiskerino in the last 4 months.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8
This month was even more photography heavy than January. I think its due to a couple things. Not that making great designs is harder than making great photographs, but personally I am able to create photographs that I'm happy with quicker than I can create designs I'm happy with. Second, I just find myself drawn towards the photography more. My goal for March is to end the month with at least 33% of my pieces being design exercises. Wish me luck! 2 months down, 10 to go!
Went out to lunch and shot this photo of Lindsay. There's also a cameo by Sam. He's the blurry little photobomber to her right.
Polaroid 180 with Fuji FP-3000B Film
On November 1st of last year I shaved clean. Since then I have done absolutely no shaving, trimming, or grooming of my facial hair and I have taken a photo every day. It's been an incredible experience, but Erika is ready for me to trim back down to a more modest beard.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8
According to the doctors I have some fierce acid reflux that has been damaging my vocal chords of the last few years. This medicine seems to be helping a good bit. I hope to start writing music again this year.
Weird Polaroid Close-up Camera with Polaroid 600 Film (expired 08/08)
Still trying to figure this camera out. It's incredibly difficult to frame things up so I've been messing with it around the house to see if I can't find a trick to it.
Weird Polaroid Close-up Camera with Polaroid 600 Film (expired 08/08)
I always like the look of Erika's desk when she's working on a project. Swatches of fabric and inspirational photos everywhere.
Polaroid 180 with Fuji FP-3000B Film
I bought this weird Polaroid close up camera on eBay. Pretty impressed with how well it works. Good times!
Weird Polaroid Close-up Camera with Polaroid 600 Film (expired 08/08)
This photo was also taken at what we'll call a beard convention in Nashville. John (aka Dschonn) was one of the best dressed guys there (he makes his own clothes!) so I had to take a photo of him. Thanks John!
Polaroid 600SE with Fuji FP-3000B Film
Over the weekend I was up in Nashville (hence the belated posting of this weekends creative things) for... well let's just call it a beard convention. I setup a little photobooth with my Miniportrait 202 and the beards filed in. This was one of my favorites.
Polaroid Miniportrait 202 with Fuji FP-100B Film
I've been wanting to do this series since before I got my miniportrait camera. Tonight Aaron and Fatima came over for some dinner, games, and lastly they allowed me to take this split portrait of them. It took a little time and a few tries, but we finally got a shot that I'm happy with. Thanks guys, we had a blast. More of this series to come!
Polaroid Miniportrait 202 with Fuji FP-100C Film
Tomorrow is the first day of the Whiskerino Throwdown. Sadly I won't be there until Saturday but I'm really looking forward to it. This is the current state of my beard.
This photo was taken for Whiskerino 2009-2010.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8
My work is getting ready to move into a new building. I've been documenting the progress of our new location. Today I went over and snapped this shot of some cables. It was originally supposed to be two exposures, but the pull tabs ripped off and somehow this was the result.
Polaroid 220 with Polaroid ID-UV Film (expired 02/2008)
On November 5th of 2009 Brandon Cripps posted a photo on Whiskerino that would take a life of its own. I finally got around to paying homage to such a great pose. So great that it has been deemed "The Pose." Here you can see a gallery of everyone that has done "The Pose."
This photo was taken for Whiskerino 2009-2010.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8
My friend Jon tweeted this quote right as I sat down to do my creative thing for today so I messed with it for a few minutes and ended here.
Despite the word on the street, they still exist.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8
Erika and I went to a cabin in Asheville, NC for the weekend (hence the back log of creative things being posted tonight. didn't have access to a computer). Something went wrong when this photo was pulled from the camera and while I like the result, I wish it hadn't eaten our faces in the process.
Polaroid 220 with Polaroid ID-UV Film (expired 02/2008)
Shot a bunch of headshots for management at work. Before breaking down I took a few shots of Andrew. This is the first pose he struck.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8
This is Erika's sewing machine foot at actual size.
Polaroid Macro 5 with Polaroid Spectra 990 film (expired ??/??)
This is Erika's eye at 2x actual size.
Polaroid Macro 5 with Polaroid Spectra 990 film (expired ??/??)
Got the urge to hand draw some type. It is more time consuming than I remember. I still want to tweak some of the letters more (especially the f), but overall I think it turned out alright.
Playing around with back lighting and I realized that by putting a strobe behind my head and a speedlight under my chin I could create a beard made of light.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8
This shot happens to combine two of my favorite things. Polaroids and Found Type.
Polaroid 220 with Polaroid ID-UV Film (expired 02/2008)
There's something very visually appealing about vintage suitcases. I'm sure some of them lead great lives and went on some crazy adventures before being a thrift store decoration find.
Polaroid SX-70 Model 2 with Polaroid 600 Film and Pack Filter (expired 05/2008)
I did my best to match the colors to the actual Polaroid, but my scanner just doesn't do it justice. It looks even more awesome in person.
Polaroid 600SE with Polaroid 669 Film (expired 02/2002)
My first shot with Fuji ISO 3000 black and white pack film. I really like this stuff.
Polaroid 600SE with Fuji FP-3000B Film
Got to play with some aesthetics at work and I'm pretty happy with how this turned out.
A little test with my new toy from yesterday. Took a couple shots to figure it out, but this is one fun camera.
Polaroid Miniportrait 202 with Fuji FP-100C Film
My pal Jonas did a 365 project in 2008 and at the end of each month he gave a recap of how he spent his time. I think I'll take a cue from him and do something similar. One month down, 11 to go!
Erika had to pick up some fabrics for school. I thought this one had a nice texture to it. There's green in there too, but it didn't show up.
Holgaroid with Polaroid Viva Film (07/2008)
Went out with a bunch of friends to celebrate my birthday tonight. I had a blast! Thanks to everyone that made it out or wished me a happy birthday in some shape or fashion today.
Polaroid Spectra Pro with Spectra Image Film (expired unknown)
So I just got my lens back from repair and had a fun night playing with the Polaroid 600SE that I bought (Polaroid's only full manual camera). Its a ton of fun and I can't wait to spend some more time with it.
Polaroid 600SE with Fuji FP-100C Film
This film was just a touch past its prime. The results are interesting however not quite what I was hoping for.
Polaroid 220 with Polaroid ID-UV Film (expired 02/2008)
This film was just a touch past its prime. The results are interesting however not quite what I was hoping for.
Polaroid SX-70 Auto Focus Model 2 SE with Polaroid Time Zero Film and Pack Filter (expired 08/1999)
The first half of this pack of film pretty much didn't turn out at all. I took this shot as one last test before I gave up on the film and it actually turned out somewhat interesting. The wind blew the balloons out of my shot at the last second and Erika said they looked like Mickey Mouse.
Polaroid SX-70 Auto Focus Model 2 SE with Polaroid Time Zero Film and Pack Filter (expired 08/1999)
Not sure about other places, but it sure has been raining a lot lately in Atlanta.
I love the Polaroid logo circa 1970 so I decided to recreate it and then play with it in different shapes. I think I'll come back to this one day and kick it around some more.
During Whiskerino, participants are not allowed to manipulate their images in photoshop. However on one day out of the entire 4 months everyone is allowed to do whatever they want with digital manipulation of photos. I decided to add in a little javascript and break out of the normal photo box that we're confined to. You can see the actual page of this screen shot here.
If I could remember my dreams... I think I'd be able to tell you they were flying dreams. Every single one of them.
Holga 120 and Polaroid Back with Fuji FP-100C Film
Today was "On Your Person" Theme Day over at Whiskerino so a few friends at work and I got together to shoot our photos. Mine turned out pretty sweet. Thanks Brandon and Poe!
Polaroid SX-70 with Polaroid 600 Film and Pack Filter (expired 05/2008)
Taken at an abandoned Church's playground.
Polaroid SX-70 with TZ Artistic Film (expired 10/2009)
This photo was taken in Little Five Points. I went to take the photo straight down and forgot that you can't cover the film ejection slot with your hand. So the film jammed and created this crazy mishap. I still quite like the photo though.
Polaroid SX-70 with Polaroid 600 Film and Pack Filter (expired 05/2008)
Tried taking some photos with some Polaroid Film that I won on eBay. I guess the film wasn't stored properly because none of the shots came out. So instead I have two of these Polyptychs. The blobs are from the chemicals barely spilling out onto the film.
Polaroid Spectra Pro with Spectra Film (expired 06/2003)
This week I took a photo with the same Banana and Balloon. The winner is debatable. Talk amongst yourselves.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8
Tonight when I got out of the shower, Lukas and Pocket were asleep underneath the bed. They stayed long enough for me to get a picture. The light leak on the right was from me trying to turn the flash on and off with the polaroid back on.
Holga 120 and Polaroid Back with Fuji FP-100C Film
Today a new toy arrived. A Polaroid back for my Holga. I put it all together, loaded the film, and out of excitement for wanting to see it in action I took this terrible photo of dying flowers. Its not a great photo, but it is officially part of my process and journey to taking better photos on the holgaroid (Holga + Polaroid). More to come.
Holga 120 and Polaroid Back with Fuji FP-100C Film
Day twelve. Another self-portrait. This time without my face.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8
This balloon is currently part of an ongoing project this week. I hope the balloon makes it through the week.
Polaroid SLR 680SE with Polaroid 600 Film (expired 05/2008)
Got the urge to see how much I could blow out the end of my hallway with light. I got pretty exhausted running up and down the hall taking photos which I think is a sign that I really need to get back in shape.
This photo was taken for Whiskerino 2009-2010.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8
Tonight was the Monster Truck Show. I went last year and then bought tickets for this year a week after last year's show. I still need to attend a demolition derby one day.
Polaroid SLR 680SE with Polaroid 600 Film (expired 05/2008)
I took a few photos with my camera on the dashboard while driving at night. I think I'd like to try this again when I'm not driving so that I can tend to the camera instead of having to just let it sit there. I really like how you can get a sense of space and linear perspective from the streaked lights.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8
I've had wacom tablets for a while and I love them for editing and retouching photographs, but I haven't really done a lot of drawing on a wacom. I remembered seeing a timelapse of someone drawing a scroll banner on one and decided I'd give it a go. Its not awesome, but considering I can't remember the last time I drew something, I'm pretty happy with this.
I haven't trimmed or shaven since November 1st. At the beginning of each month I take a photo exactly like this one. I will take another at the beginning of next month and then a final one at the end of February. I'll do something special with them once they're all finished.
This photo was taken for Whiskerino 2009-2010.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8
Drew this as a sketch on graph paper and then recreated it in photoshop. I've got a long way to go...
This photo was taken at a Wal-Mart in Cleveland, MS. I found the American Flag with cameras directly underneath really amusing. When I went to frame the shot I saw the McDonald's M in the shot and thought it was perfect.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8
This is the view from my balcony. I'll probably be posting a lot of self portraits during January and February due to an ongoing beard growing celebration called Whiskerino
This photo was taken for Whiskerino 2009-2010.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8
I would say that 90% of my wardrobe is made up of t-shirts. I keep them in my closet in roughly ROY G BIV order with white on the far left and black on the far right. On a side note, the colors on the right are yoyo strings. I have them separated and hanging by brand and color.
This photo was taken for Whiskerino 2009-2010.
Canon 5D Mark II + 24-70 2.8